Junior handler competitions

Competitions for junior handlers will be held during the World Dog Show 2017.


German Winner Show 2017

Note! Only the single group 10 – 17 years will be allowed to take part in the Junior handling competition.

November 8th, 2017

Competition is open for everybody. The placed junior handlers will not take part in the final on Sunday.
Jugde: Olaf Knauber (DEU)

World Dog Show 2017

Note! Only the single group 10 – 17 years will be allowed to take part in the Junior handling competition.

November 9th, 2017

Competition is open for everybody. The judge selects the best three (3) without placing them.
Those three junior handlers continue to the final competition on Sunday.
Judge: Lois Wilson (ZAF)

November 10th, 2017

Competition is open for everybody. The judge selects the best three (3) without placing them.
Those three junior handlers continue to the final competition on Sunday.
Judge: Gerard Jipping (NLD)

November 11th, 2017

Competition is open for everybody. The judge selects the best three (3) without placing them.
Those three junior handlers continue to the final competition on Sunday.
Judge: Lisbeth Mach (CHE)

November 12th, 2017

A competition that is open for everybody. The judge selects the best three (3) without placing them. Those three junior handlers continue to final competition.
Judge: Katja Rauhut (DEU)

Final, the best junior handlers from the semi-finals compete in the final together with the participants sent by the national organisations.
Judge: Liz Cartledge (GBR)

Competitions will follow FCI Guidelines for Junior handling competitions.

Guidelines for competitions (pdf)

Entry fee: 20 €/ competition

Online Entry for Junior handling

A copy of the payment must be enclosed together with filled entry form.

Only for Kennel Clubs: Invitation Junior Handling World Championship 2017 - Final Competition

The VDH has the pleasure to invite your representative to the Junior Handling World Championship Final Competition in Leipzig on November 12, 2017. The Junior Handling World Championship will be held in connection with the World Dog Show 2017.

Invited countries are entitled to designate one participant to the final competition on Sunday. According to the FCI rules, competitors at the age of 10-17 years are allowed to take part in the junior handling competition. The final competition will be judged by Mrs Liz Cartledge (GBR).

The representatives or their Kennel Clubs must cover travelling and other expenses. The participation in the World Championship final competition is free of charge.

Last entry date is September 29, 2017

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